Saturday, December 26, 2009

Making The Road Safe And Clear From Stress With Defensive Driving

Defensive driving does not mean you are sensitive about your driving skills and cry or throw your coffee cup at someone if they make a comment about your driving. Defensive driving is defined as being aware of instances on the road before they occur. It is about being aware of your surroundings and reacting to them before they happen to avoid an accident.

People who have a problem with road rage are not practicing this very much needed skill. In fact more and more drivers out on the road are not practicing safe skills while driving on the road. You can be a good driver, get where you need to be, and still drive defensively. It is a great motto to share the road.

It is defined as, "driving to save lives, time, and money, in spite of the conditions around you and the actions of others…" as stated in the Standard for Safe Practices of Motor Vehicles. What this statement basically states in the term are that you should drive to save lives no matter what the actions are of others.

If you see a person driving reckless protect yourself. Don't challenge them. It can be frustrating but know that soon or later they will be pulled over. Hopefully this will happen before they hurt themselves or someone else. You can always call in a reckless driver on the road as well.

For the new operator a defensive driving course is included in the training a person will receive here at Trimet. You will learn to be precautionary with others on the road and anticipate others actions to avoid accidents. Our driving school will not only talk about defensive driving to our students but we will reinforce it what you learn is actually behind the wheel.

Other people may be forced to take a course in defensive driving after an accident or violation while driving. It is a good thing for them to do as in the long run it will save lives once a driver realizes how important driving defensively is. Many times a court will take a person's license if they do not complete a course in good driving and being defensive on the road.

The most important thing you can teach yourself  is to learn to drive defensively. Use this blog to explain to others why it is so important and that its cool to be a defensive driver. Use near misses on the road to explain to other drivers as to why being a safe driver is important. Click on the buttons to display the videos showing the results of an accident that is caused by careless operating of a vehicle.

To make the road safe for everyone on it you must do your part in practicing defensive driving. You can be sure that you are important in this battle to have the roads of America safer. By teaching our children the importance of it perhaps there will be less crazy drivers out there endangering everyone's lives.

Find out how defensive driving course may save your life, and save you cash. Consider the different courses that may be offered in your area.
by Denis Vandyke